
Some of our Customers SunLab Group LTD

Sunlab has considerable experience in undertaking environmental monitoring projects, including sampling and analysis of environmental matrices that include monitoring programmes indicated into the IPPCs, such as the Marsa and Delimara power stations, landfills, the Marsa Thermal Treatment Facility, and also as part of EIAs and Appropriate Assessments, and analysis of ash, soil, and air samples, marine, inland and ground water, marine sediment analysis. Some examples include:

  • Emission monitoring for Enemalta of the Delimara and Marsa power stations since 2010;
  • Annual Surveillance Tests (AST) on Continuos Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMs) of Delimara Power station since 2015;
  • Emissions monitoring for WSM in relation to the operations of the Sant Antnin Waste Treatment Facility from 2014;
  • Emissions monitoring of Thermal Treatment Facility Plant in Marsascala, since 2010, for Wasteserv;
  • Emissions monitoring at the RTO plant located within the Sant Antnin Waste Treatment Plant in Marsascala, during 2015 and 2016;
  • Emissions monitoring at the Autoclave plant located within the Thermal Treatment Facility Plant in Marsascala, during 2016;
  • Odour Air Monitoring at the Thermal Treatment Facility Plant in Marsascala, during 2015 and 2016;
  • Onsite and Offsite Air Monitoring for WSM in relation to the Sant Antnin Waste Treatment Facility since 2014;
  • QAL 2 of Flue Gas at the Thermal Treatment Facility Marsa in according with EN 14181:2015, since 2015;
  • Sampling, analysis and reporting of groundwater and surface water at the Ghallis and Ta' Zwejra Non-Hazardous Waste Landfills since 2016, for Wasteserv;
  • Sampling, analysis and reporting of water and digesate at the Sant Antnin Waste Treatment Plant since 2016, for Wasteserv;
  • Occupational Hygiene Monitoring at the autoclave Facility to different points of Plant for monitoring the work place, during 2016;
  • Occupational Hygiene Monitoring at the Thermal Treatament Facility Plant to different point of Plant for monitoring the work place, during 2016;
  • Monitoring and reporting of Landfill gas at the Ghallis and Ta' Zwejra Non-Hazardous Waste Landfills since 2016;
  • Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting of Ambient Air Emissions at the Ghallis and Ta’ Zwejra Non-Hazardous Waste Landfills during 2018-2019;
  • Monitoring of Air Emission, effluents and technical services with ERA for the facility "Biofilter" of Aviation Cosmetics in Hal Safi, since 2016;
  • Emissions monitoring at pharmaceutical company, Amino Chemicals Ltd, at Marsa Industrial Estate, since 2010;
  • Land and Groundwater Risk Monitoring and control Plan for the production site of the company Amino Chemicals Limited;
  • Emissions monitoring at pharmaceutical company, Crystal Pharma Ltd, at Bulebel Industrial Estate, from 2011 to 2014, for Ecoserv ltd;
  • Monitoring Services of Indoor Air Quality to the Mechanical Treatment Plant in Maghtab, during 2016, for Ecoserv ltd;
  • Drawing up of Land and Groundwater preliminary investigations of a quarry with the use of a conceptual site model (CSM);
  • Air quality Monitoring at the AD Biofilter and MTP Biofilter, during 2016;
  • Evaluation of work environment quality at ProMinent Fluids Controls Ltd, at Bulebel Industrial Estate, during 2016;
  • Analysis on seawater, sediment, effluent etc;
    • Service for the Air quality studies at the Marsa Juction through dispersion modeling (Breeze Roads) for Transport Malta during 2016;
      • Service for the Air quality studies at the Farson Business Park through dispersion modeling (Breeze Roads) for Ais Environment ltd, during 2016;
      • Chemical and Microbiological analysis on seawater, sediment and seafood, for the project “Implementation and updating of Marine Monitoring programmes, assessment of environmental status and development of a marine database system“ from 2017 till 2019;
      • Service for the Air quality studies at the Fortina Hotel through dispersion modeling (Breeze Roads) for Ais Environment ltd, during 2017-2018;
      • Analysis of sediment, seawater etc from 2017;
      • Emission monitoring in different companies and calculation of fugitive emission from 2017;
        • Collect and analysis of food sampling for Foster Clark Product ltd, since 2016;
          • Analysis and reporting of groundwater and surface water;
            • Quality Assurance Levels (QAL2) on Continuos Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMs) at the Delimara Power Station, in according with EN 14181:2015, during 2017;
            • Annual Surveillance Tests (AST) on Continuos Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMs) at the Delimara Power station, since 2017;
            • Monitoring of total dust in Hal far, during 2017;
            • Chemical analysis on potable water, from 2016;
            • Analysis of seawater from its fishfarm, since 2019;
            • Chemical analysis on process water, in Hal far, since 2019;
            • Chemical Analysis of effluent, in Hal far, since 2019;
            • Monitoring of Air Emission, effluents, air quality, etc in Hal Far, since 2019;
            • ST Microelectronics: Monitoring of Stack Emission, effluents, Hygiene Industrial, etc in Kirkop, since 2019;
            • Energy and Water Agency: Sampling and analysis of groundwater in Malta, Gozo and Comino islands, since 2019;
            • Reganosa: Noise, Air quality Monitoring and effluent analysis in Delimara Plant, during 2019;
            • Medichem: Stack emission monitoring and Chemical Analysis of effluent, in Hal far, since 2019;
            • Falzon Group: Stack emission monitoring and Chemical Analysis of effluent for the different companies of this Group, since 2019;